
Ordering InformationbulletP-1021 Frog Skeletal Muscle $199 (29 min.)bulletP-1022 Cardiac Cycle of the Turtle $199 (30 min.)bulletP-1023 Human ECG, etc. $199 (28 min.)bulletP-1024 The Nerve Impulse Pt. I $129 (No data, 20 min.)bulletP-1025 The Nerve Impulse Pt. II $199 (29 min.)bulletP-1026 Series Price (5 tapes) $799 (Save $126)bulletP-1027 Preview Cassette $29 (20 min.)bulletD-1040 Decoder Unit $995All orders must be accompanied by either bonafide purchase orders or checks payable to:Southern Oregon Video Enterprises, Inc.P.O. Box 400Ashland, OR 97520(541) 482-5054Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.Preview cassetteThe preview cassette contains two to four minute excerpts from each of the four video programs together with data. Each segment has been chosen to represent one particular aspect of each video program. These include background information, preparation of the animal, equipment to be used and experimental data respectively.If a program is purchased within thirty days the price of the preview cassette will be credited towards the program purchase price providing the cassette is returned undamaged in a re-salable condition at the time the order is received.All prices are subject to change without notice.The programs are protected by copyright. DecoderWhen the video programs are used in conjunction with the decoder unit, a data readout of the physiological signals is obtained automatically. The signals may be recorded on most user supplied three channel oscillographic recorders including the Harvard 350 recording modules. The output voltage of the data from the decoder is set at approximately 500 mv. This may be altered upon request to meet individual requirements (Inquire). Video cassettesThe programs are available on standard ½ inch VHS video format or on ¾ inch U-Matic format. Please specify system and size. Dual audio channels are necessary for data readout.
February 08, 2001