Videotape Laboratory Exercises in Physiology

The Series…

Four of the most popular laboratory exercises are now available dealing with...

bulletFrog Skeletal Muscle
bulletThe Cardiac Cycle of the Turtle
bulletThe Human Electrocardiogram,Pulse Wave and Phonocardiogram
bulletThe Nerve Impulse, part I Background, part II Experimental

These Programs include varying amounts of background information necessary for an understanding of the physiological principles involved

Use your own…

Video monitor, video cassette recorder and oscillographic recorder ( 3 channel)…

add…A decoding unit…that’s all you need for your student’s to obtain the full benefit from theses video programs.

or…. They may be used without the data  readout and we will provide copies of the actual data for your reproduction at no charge.

Use these Programs…

bulletAs an introduction to a new area
bulletPreparatory  to performing the exercise
bulletWhen the equipment necessary to perform  the exercise is unavailable
bulletWhen the cost of the materials has exceeded your means
bulletAs self study units
bulletIn introductory courses where the student may not have the expertise to perform the exercise
bulletTo provide alternatives to the use of animals


Telephone:  541-482-5054FAX : 541-482-5054 Postal address: P.O. Box 400, Ashland, Or 97520 Electronic mail: General Information: 

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